Thursday, March 27, 2014

An Open Letter to Every Christian:

Dear Christian,

I want you to prayerfully consider whether or not you agree or disagree with this statement...

Jesus Christ is coming again to judge the living and the dead (Acts 17:31;Rev. 19:11-21). Those who repent of their sins and believe in Christ (Mark 1:15Acts 2:3817:30) and those who overcome (Rev. 21:7) will live forever in eternal bliss with God in his holy heaven (Rev. 21:1-27) through the atoning work of Christ on the cross (Mark 10:45Rom. 5:1-21; Cor. 5:21). Those who are not born again (John 3:5), do not believe in Christ (John 3:18), and continue to make practice of sinning (1 John 3:4-10) will face eternal punishment and the just wrath of God in hell (John 3:36;5:29). Among those who will face the second death in the lake that burns with fire are the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, the murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars (Rev. 21:8), and among the sins included in the category of sexual immorality is unrepentant sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex (Rom. 1:26-271 Cor. 6:9-10; Jude 5-7).

We are witnessing a dramatic cultural shift in society's definition of marriage and sexuality. The LGBTS agenda is being pushed from every angle and has begun to pick up incredible momentum. Everything which stands in the way of the LGBTS agenda is demolished. Already we are witnessing Christians being called bigots, cut from the same mold as the KKK from non-Christians because we do not embrace their sexual perversion. Soon however, I fear, we are going to see a new shift for pro-homosexual lifestyle. There is coming a day when to agree with the above statement will cause "Christian" individuals to look at you with judgement and pronounce that you are no longer a Christian. They will say, "Jesus was nice; the Pharisees mean; you are mean and not nice; so you are a Pharisee and not like Jesus." Many will claim the name of Christ and pronounce that we do not know Christ because Christ is love and all we are spreading is hate. They will attempt to re-define the Bible's teaching on homosexuality; claiming Paul was not speaking against monogamous homosexuals, like in our day, but was only speaking against promiscuous homosexuals and pedophilia. They will claim Jesus's main message was one of tolerance; therefore, we should be tolerant of everyone's sexuality. Who are we to judge? Didn't Jesus say to judge not? They will kick us out of our churches and some who stand against homosexuality will be thrown in prison or killed. Our children will be mocked in school for our backward beliefs and will be punished for our stance.

Am I being dramatic? I hope so, but, I don't think so. If you disagree just spend fifteen minutes searching various Facebook posts concerning homosexuality and notice how "Christians" respond. It will make you weep. Thankfully, the future is not upon us yet. Below are several steps we must take:

1) While there is still time we must prayerfully consider the above statement and decide for ourselves whether we agree or disagree. Once we decide we must make a stand. This is a hill to die on!

2) We must speak out while we still have the freedom to do so in defense of traditional marriage.The redefinition of marriage is not a secondary issue; when marriage is redefined, the Gospel is redefined! If you claim to be a Christian and support traditional marriage but do not speak up you are a coward. The time to bury our head in the sand has long past and in love we must speak up.

3) We speak out against homosexuality because we know that all blasphemers, liars, homosexuals, murders and adulterers will have their part in the lake of fire. We MUST warn homosexuals to flee the wrath which is to come. To embrace homosexuals in their sinful lifestyle is to embrace them into Hell. In love we must speak out.

4) We must be involved in the political process. We must vote for and endorse candidates who stand up for religious freedom and traditional marriage.

5) Pray. Isaiah 66:1 says, "Heaven is God's throne and the Earth is His foot stool." God is in control. He holds the future. In the end every knee will bow to Jesus Christ whether willfully or woefully. We must remember God has always preserved a faithful remnant and He will continue to do the same in the future.

In conclusion, Christians, we must decide whether or not we affirm or deny the above statement. We must make our decision now before the winds of persecution come barreling down on us. Once we have made our decision we must in love speak out. I close this letter the way Paul closed his last letter to his beloved disciple Timothy. "I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and because of His appearing and His kingdom: Proclaim the message; persist in it whether convenient or not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patience and teaching. For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, will multiply teachers for themselves because they will have an itch to hear something new. They will turn away from hearing the truth and will turn aside to myths. But as for you, be serious about everything, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."

Serving Him,

T Welch


  1. Hi T,

    Hope you and Julia are doing well and the last few months in the Gu aren't too hot!

    It's really great hearing how things are going in Northern Ghana - I miss being there! (Maybe not the waist pain though :P) And the photos of Piper are adorable!

    I hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd weigh in on the discussion about homosexuality. This isn't really a subject that I'm aware of people talking about much in real life (most of my friends are non-christian liberals) but it seems to be a big topic on the internet at the moment among Christian bloggers.

    If I'm honest I find it a bit upsetting, how much anger there seems to be towards gay people. One recent event that seems to have caused outcry is World Vision's decision to accept married homosexuals onto their staff. Apparently a lot of contributors have been cancelling their donations in response to this. I am not in anyway suggesting that this is behaviour you would condone (cancelling donations), but found this response by a gay man heartbreaking and thought it would be worth bringing to the table:

    "... this is what I’m hearing: No, you aren’t even worthy to serve hungry children. You are so deeply unwanted that I will let a child die if it keeps you away from me. From us. From the body of Christ. I will spare no life if it keeps you far away."

    I know this is not in any way what you are intending by posting these articles - in fact the very opposite - I know you long for all people to enter relationship with Christ. I just wonder, if an LGBT person were to read them, how would they see it - as a sign of love that you want them to turn from their sin, or as a sign of rejection that they aren't wanted, as the man above felt?

    I know you say you want to speak out in love and I genuinely believe you mean that. I just wonder if individuals who don't yet know the love of Jesus would see that shining through the opposition?

    You say "To embrace homosexuals in their sinful lifestyle is to embrace them into Hell. In love we must speak out." I can only speak from personal experience, but God met me when I was a sinner. He didn't expect me to fix myself first, and only come to Him perfect. When I was asking you about becoming Christian in Ghana you didn't say to me I had to straighten my life out before I could approach God. Why is this not the same for those who identify as LBGT?

    I hope you aren't upset by me posting these questions!

    All the best,

    Alex (the English one)

  2. Alex (the English one),

    I hope everything is going great in England. I saw you were selected to work at the hospital which you wanted, congratulations! Thank you for weighing in on the discussion.

    First and foremost allow me to say that a homosexual does NOT have to clean up his/her life before coming to Christ. Christ accepts all sinners who repent and trust in Him. If I was talking with a homosexual I would share a version of this post with him/her ( I understand that when a homosexual comes to Christ it is a long road of being made more and more into the image of Christ for him/her to forsake his/her homosexual lifestyle. It will take a lot of work and patience to move out of a homosexual lifestyle. Thankfully, as Christians we have the Holy Spirit who helps us be conformed into the image of Christ.

    This post, however, was not written for homosexuals this post was written after the World Vision incident and another incident in my hometown. Reading the comments on these news articles I noticed a lot of Christians were resigned to either embrace homosexuality or remain quiet. There is a move in America to ramrod this issue into the spot light, anyone who disagrees with a homosexual lifestyle is forced to either change his/her position or is punished. In America, a lot, of Christians have begun to argue that individuals are able to remain in a homosexual lifestyle and be a Christian. I do not believe this is true I believe the Bible condemns the practice of homosexuality and is why I said to embrace homosexuals in their lifestyle is to embrace them into Hell.

    As Christians we need courage and wisdom to know how to speak in love to our homosexual neighbors and friends but also how to address the culture. This post was a call for Christians to be salt and light in their society and encourage them to influence public policy rather than remain silent. If Christians remain silent on public issues and do not speak out than our freedoms will be compromised and we will give the impression that Christianity is not relevant and has no say in culture and is only for Sunday mornings in church.

    I hope this helps to explain the post.

  3. Hey T,

    Thanks for your speedy reply! Yeah that does help me understand where you are coming from a bit.

